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Survey Results

Survey Results Analysis

Most organizations administer a variety of surveys to their people. Some are administered just one time such as skills assessment, a change readiness survey, or an opinion poll. Other surveys may be administered multiple times like pulse surveys or training material review. Analyzing and displaying survey results with a custom Power BI dashboard drives better business outcomes by saving time, rationalizing content, and clearly visualizing important trends in the results.

  • Save hundreds of hours in analysis, manipulation, and display by automating the update process.
  • Begin your survey with the end in mind – with tools like Power BI, you can create the results dashboard to display key relationships before ever sending out a survey.
  • Get more from each survey by exploring trends within and across teams, levels, and organizations at a click.
  • Track where your results are coming from, and where there may be gaps in your knowledge.
  • Monitor the impact of interventions and changes on key metrics to drive different results.
  • Update dashboards automatically with new survey results.

Click on the snapshot below to interact with our demo dashboard, hosted by Power BI.

An interactive dashboard of survey results trends summary by question category All data contained in this demo dashboard has been mocked up for this demonstration and does not represent a real survey or clients.